Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Viies energia lugemine

Neid muudkui aga koguneb ja koguneb - üritan päevas vähemalt korra kellelegi nö ennustada. Seekord valisin sellise enese turvatsooni välise inimese - pildile vaadates näen juba ära kui on midagi inimese elus natuke nihu. Konkreetse inimese puhul tundsin masendust ja depressiooni ja mulle ei meeldi eriti selliseid süngemaid lugeda, sest ma hakkan ise ka ennast pärast kehvasti tundma. Mulle meeldib positiivseid lugeda. Võib-olla sellepärast ma polegi väga palju negatiivset kellelegi rääkida saanud - kõik ennustused on nii positiivsed. Aga minu meelest see ongi hea, sest kuidas muidu inimene peaks oma eluga edasi saama minna. Ma usun et positiivne sisendus on kasulikum kui mina mingi depressiooniga täppi paneksin. Inimesel tuleb kurb meel, et kõik kehvasti on. Mulle meeldib inimestele näidata nende potentsiaali. Ehk siis ma näen neid vaimusilmas nende parimas valguses ja räägin sellest neile, see annab just seda positiivset laengut. Kui nüüd loete selles postituses esitatud lugemist, siis saate isegi aru, kuidas ma neid tõstan. Ta läheb midagi uut õppima mingi aeg ja kui ta on depressioonis, siis ta ei ole sellele avatud. Kui ma aga ütlen, et selliselt ma näen sinu tulevikku, siis ma usun, et ta mõtleb selle peale mida ma talle ütlesin ja läheb selle õppimisega kaasa. Ja nii ma ka ta tulevikku näen. Meie kõigi tulevik on meie endi kätes - ükski ennustaja öeldud sõnad, ei tähenda, et selline sinu tulevik hakkabki olema. Ma näen seda millele tal on potentsiaali. Ma loodan, et tema elu läheb parimas rütmis edasi.

Siit siis tänase postituse "ennustamine":

Dear Sarah Kyle Hayley! I got straight away that You are a quiet person. You dont talk much and when You do You have calm and quiet voice.
Also, You like being around calm people. Noisy and loud places give You a bit anxiety and You wander why, but You are an empath and that is normal with empaths. Although You are a quiet person, i see You like humour and keep Yourself entertained. You enjoy a night in with Your family, having a TV night with great shows.
I see You being quite secluded from social life – Maybe You once had a more active social life, but now for a few years You barely have any friends. You might feel lonely at times because of this. Don’t be sad though. I see You will be more appreciative towards Yourself and make time for Yourself in near future. You’ll have new people in Your life. I see You might go and study something or have some frequent place You go where You need to interact with people more. You are a lovely person and make friends soon enough. I feel as if You would know what type of people would be great companions for You. You probably wouldn’t want to interact with self-obsessed people. I see You more with artsy type of people who appreciate the beauty in everything. Im not sure will it be some kind of crafts or arts activity that You go studying or place that You will have more people around You. But that’s what i feel – arts, crafts, clay.
I see You at times struggling with life, but then i see You in the future being more confident and working at a place where people respect You. I feel like You will be teaching something. IT feels as if You have some kind of talent that You will be teaching to others – it might be drawing or some other crafts or maybe You are a great business-woman and teaching in the university. Not clear at the moment. Your life will be well balanced. Your relationships at home will be well balanced aswell.
I see a strong, confident woman in You future. I got a feeling that You might not know what Your talent might be. Don’t worry, all talents are discovered some time. I am sure You will too. Just look inside Yourself and try to see what You really enjoy doing or what activities interest You.
I feel as if soon You’ll have a great change in Your personal life. Here i mean that You will have many new beginnings. That doesn’t mean that You will lose something in return. Maybe You will get a great job offer or go to school or something of that sorts and it opens up many many new pathways for You. In a few years You will not recognise  Your current life anymore. I see great things happening for You. You just got an invitation from Your future :)"

" Thankyou an your correct woth it all i like doing singing an yeah at times i feel lonly and upset and other days im perfect i hate being in loud places and i go to town but most of time i stay in the house and go out at times i hope things cone into place and im after a little baby as well xxx

Thankyou nd you was spot on i loved it thankyou for doing the readin on me xxx "

See oli kohene vastus ehk esimene reaktsioon, hiljem kirjutas ta veel eraldi tagasiside kausta sedasi:
"Thankyou for my reading it was spot on completely i loved it your r gifted xxxlove&light beautiful ♡♡"

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