Sunday, February 7, 2016

Üheteistkümnes intuitiivne lugemine

Seekord nägin ka loetava minevikku lapsena ja tajusin vägivalda meesterahva poolt. Otse ei julgenud öelda, aga tekstist on see välja loetav. Loodan, et ma mööda ei pannud millegagi.
Siit tuleb:

" Hello Jennie Louise!
I feel asi f You are a very soft person, calm and quiet.
But I also feel that is there is something that ticks You off – You could say exactly how You feel. This has more changed now that You are a grownup. I feel as if when You were Younger, You did not have a voice. You were quietly playing with Your few toys and keeping Yourself out of others way. You were very sensitive and i feel as if You had some interaction with spirits when You were a child.
I feel as You have been hurt in the past. You are quite cautious with relationships, but You do desire to have a great relationship with Your loved ones.
A lion in disguise – just felt to say these words to describe Your personality. Which means You are much much stronger than You first seem to be.
I feel as if You have had difficult relationships and You’ve done great work on Yourself to finally break free of the chains. You wrk these memories to Your benefit now and You are not going to let anyone treat You bad again. You have gained back self-worth. But remember this has made You the person You are today. You have gained so much from Your times of despair and I sense that You know that and think of it the same way. This has also thought You to love and keep those who love You closer to You. You are on the way of healing Yourself from Your past memories and these days You pull out Your sword just to protect Yourself, but that means You are able to take care of Yourself. You have become a ver strong person. I feel as if You are able to be more courageous and heard about Your opinions and You have the energy to claim what’s Yours and that is You. You belong to Yourself.
You have gained this inner power which will take You wherever You would want to go. The doors are all open for You and You can choose everything that You thought were not meant for You. You have done great for Yourself.
In the future I see You not loosing Your inner strength. I see there are loving people around You and You will be greatly appreciated. I see That You love spending time in the kitchen – maybe You like to cook or bake. I see You enjoy a good cup of tea. I see there is a dog in Your life also – im not sure will You have a dog soon or You have one already. I see the dog being medium size and long fur on him. He is being a great companion for You. I see You loving him unconditionally.
I enjoyed reading for You darling! You are an amazing person.
Let me know how I did"

Tagasiside hetkel puudub.

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