Thursday, February 4, 2016

Kaheksas intuitiivne lugemine

Alguses kirjutasin, et midagi ei ole juurde lisada, aga nüüd pean sõnad tagasi võtma ja kirjutama kui liigutatud ma sellest tagasisidest olin. Kui ma tema energiat lugesin, siis ma tundsin väga hästi tema kurvastust. Kui ta tagasiside kirjutas, siis ma tundsin, et minu sõnad puudutasid teda ja ma suutsin talle öelda neid asju, mida ta ehk polnud ammu kuulnud ja mida ta polnud endast mõelnud.
Ühtäkki ma tundsin meeletut tänu tunnet, et mulle on antud see võime ja ma saan kellegi päeva paremaks teha. Tunnen 30 aasta jooksul esimest korda, et ma teen midagi südamest, armastusega ja et ma kuulun kuskile, ehk mul on eesmärk. Eesmärk, mida olen 30 aastat otsinud. Kurvastasin, et minul ei ole annet või talenti, millega saaksin kasulik olla. Tundsin ennast väärtusetuna. Nüüd ma tunnen, et olen kellelegi vajalik. Minust on kellelegi kasu.

"Dear Jess! As You see You have a special energy about You that everyone can pick up on ;)
I see You are an open and honest person. You are never mean to anyone. You are being nice to everyone, even to that raging drunk at the buss-stop. You feel like everything should be handled with positive emotions, love and positivity. I see You explaining things to Your child very calmly and thoroughly. You are very patient and react to every question. I hear You laughing. You are not laughing too loud when You laugh – You have a “polite” laughing voice. I don’t know how else to describe it.
But Your laugh could be catchy at times. You like to try new things every once in a while. You’re not too crazy about new things, but You want to try. You have a very balanced and calm mindset.
I feel as if You are someone who treasures friends and family. You keep friends close and keep a good relationship even when You are busy with life at times. You believe in life long friendships. This being said You give tremendously to Your friends and family – this is very important to You. You might not even hope to receive anything in return, but You do since You are treasured as well. You are the kind of person who would stick up to anything that might hurt Your loved ones. Feisty and fearless in that matter. You would never turn Your back to anyone until You see with Your own eyes if they are unworthy, but i feel as if that hasn’t happened and You are good at picking good friends. We can’t choose family though. So as a friend You will support Your loved ones with all You can.
I also feel a connection to the universe or the night sky, something about it pulls You in. You feel more and more that You want to take care of Your mind, body and soul. I see You looking at a beautiful night sky, breathing in deep and closing Your eyes – meaning You inhale the information from above. You are sensitive, but it doesn’t quite show. You seem like a strong “bring it on” kinda gal, but You actually sometimes hurt inside. At this point I feel the need to tell You also that those loved ones that have passed, will be there to support You in spirit in times when You might feel alone. You are never alone – You have them, Your friends and most importantly Yourself. You could talk to them whenever You feel the need to or think what You would want to say and they will get the message. If You practice it You’ll feel less pain for loosing them and You’ll be able to see the messages that they might leave You back – finding heart shapes or other meaningful symbols in Your everyday life.
You also try to make things look better than they actually are. For example You could make it look as if You are happy and everything is ok, but deep down i see painful emotions that You are trying to push down. Sometimes it’s ok to just let Yourself feel the emotions, be with the emotion. The better You will feel after when You truly acknowledge the sad emotions You are feeling and stating that this is how You feel. It will have more chance of healing. If You feel as if this was resonating with You and You have more questions, feel free to ask.
All in all You are a wonderful person and a mother and i really enjoyed reading for You."

"Thank you so much! This actually made me tear up. I can't even begin to explain how accurate this is. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Your reading was exactly me (or at least how I hope others see me too). Everything you said had particular special meaning to me. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with me."

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