Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Seitsmes intuitiivne lugemine

Täna tegin kohe mitu lugemist, et tasa teha eilne päev, kus ma ei saanud ühtegi põhjalikku lugemist teha. Niisiis on see minu teine põhjalik intuitiivne lugemine. Seekord ei leidnud ma kedagi kelle peal lugemist teha.. ma ei saanud kellegagi sellist ühendust ja ma tegin seal rühmas avaliku üleskutse, et kõik kes soovivad et ma neile lugemist teeks, et need annaks oma pildi ja ma tegin siis lugemise ühele, kellega enim kontakti tundsin. Pilte tuli kokku 10 ja pean ausalt ütlema, ma arvasin, et olen oma võime kaotanud, sest ma ei tundnud kellegagi ei enne ega ka siis kui ma neid pilte hoidsin, ka siis, kontakti. Päeva algus oli raske.. siis aga hakkasin üks haaval neid pilte uurima ja lõpuks jäi sõelale kolm inimest ja nendest valisin siis ühe. Esimest korda lugesin vanemale inimesele. Tunnen, et vanemale inimesele on raskem lugeda, sest ta on täiesti erinev põlvkond ja isiklikke kogemusi mul vaevalt et on. Niisiis tegin lugemise täiesti uues valguses.. Hetkel ei ole ma veel tagasisidet saanud, aga kohe kui saan, siis lisan ka selle siia. Appi kui naljakas oleks, kui tagasiside tuleks umbes selline - Sa panid kõik täiesti puusse! :D. Noh mis siis ikka teha.

Tänane teine põhjalik lugemine:
Hello Wendy! I was most drawn to You and decided to do the reading on You. I got stuck to Your fun loving motherly energy. I see You’ve had a fulfilling life so far. You have had many things to be proud about. You have a realistic mindset. You keep calm and help regulate relationships in the family. I feel as if family-members would come up to You for advice. Children love You and want to be around You. You have a very warm heart and calm energy about You. I feel as if You don’t talk too much, but when You open Your mouth – pure gold comes out of it. You are a wise woman. You are dearly loved by Your family and friends. They truly treasure You.
I see You being the rock that everything is built up on. I see family gatherings and people around You who look up to You and think of You as their mentor or the person that makes everything else make sense. Maybe You don’t realize it Yourself, but to You and Your family family is one of the most important aspect of life. You might not realize it because this has been like that since always.
Im telling You all of this because I sense You don’t realize how important You are to Your family. Believe You me – You are the centre of it, the one that makes everything work. You have such power in Your hands – here i mean wisdom and intuition that everyone is drawn to.
I feel as if You have the ability to sense others problems and dilemmas and when they come to You for a “consultation”, You are able to give them the “way out” of a sticky situation. You are a great guide for people around You. You don’t mind those who come for help and You’d go through the things they go through with them, if You could. Just to make them feel no alone and to give them more support. There is no problems that go unsolved by You. You have the ability to see ones problems and life in full scale and to help them analyze what was, is and will be. You have the ability to bring out some aspects of someone elses life to help them realize their current situation.

It was such pleasure to read For You. You are an amazing person."

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