Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Kuues intuitiivne lugemine

Tundsin ennast juba kehvasti sellepärast, et ei saanud eile korralikku energia lugemist kellelegi teha. Ühe lühikese tegin ühele juba tehtud lugemise saajale, kes küsis ühe inimese kohta, et milline too iseloomult on ja näitas pilti. Vahel kahtlen iseenese võimetes ja mõtlen, et äkki ma kuidagi loogiliselt võtan kogu informatsiooni, a'la pildil on suits ees ja ma loen, et ta suitsetab. Aga siis kui too kirjutas mulle ja soovis teada milline inimene on pildil kujutatav tegelane, siis nägin ma teda lennutamas mudellennukeid ja tuli välja et ta õpibki ülikoolis lennundust. Sel hetkel ma muidugi enesele tõlgendasin seda veidi mööda ja arvasin, et talle meeldivad elektroonilised mänguasjad, aga sain kiirelt jaole ja edaspidi lihtsalt kirjeldan mida näen ja kui olukord mulle tuttav ei ole siis ei hakka ise juurde pakkuma. Oma nägemusi saades ma näen tihti teatud piltide juurde järgi oma kogemustest nö klippe - murdosa sekundist ja ma saan selle vajaliku emotsiooni. Aga selle lennuki jutuga tahtsin ma seda öelda, et sellised nägemused kinnitavad mulle endale, et ma ei mõtle asju välja, sest ma nägin kõigest ta pilti, kus ei olnud mingit viidet sellele et ta lennukit lennutab.

Igastahes siit tuleb tänane intuitiivne lugemine:

Hi Cassie!
I sensed right away that You are a very determined person.
You are down to earth girl – looking up on stars. Which in my mind means You are a very realistic woman and are taking care of your body, mind and soul. You are also intuitive. You are not a drama queen at all. You enjoy peace and balance. I see You enjoy a hot beverage in the comfort of Your home, wearing wool socks and having comfy but nice looking clothes on. You appreciate beauty.
I got that You are someone who knows what they want in life and will not settle for less. You are determined in that way. You might not know that, but I even see You using Your intuition in everyday life for making decisions. You are good at making decisioins. You would be a good business woman, if You aren’t already. You face with choices very often and You have a quick mind to know what to do next. So if trouble comes Your way, You also know how to handle it. You are very calculated, which is good for someone who would be a businesswoman. In Your future I see You just as such, a great business-woman who’ll have to make choices everyday. Your determination will make the business to succeed too.
Although You are very realistic and down to earth, You also have a spiritual side of You. I see You like great affirmations and quotes that empower. I understand that You like to take care of Yourself. You don’t need anyone to take are of You. You are very independent woman. Like a feminist, but You don’t consider Yourself as a feminist. You just take care of Yourself.
I see You struggling with people around You that have failed You. You have trusted them and they have failed in one way or another. Know this – You are able to tell if people are being sincere when You take a look inside Yourself and hear what You are saying. Usually the voice inside You has an opinion and You need to trust it. Don’t overlook it and think that You are being superficial – You’re not. Just trust Yourself. You will need to trust that voice also for future references.
Your future is looking bright. I see You having many things on Your hands at once and You enjoy it. I see You doing very well financially also. For some reason I see a white kitten. I don’t know if You have one already or are thinking to get one. Great things are ahead. You’re designated for greatness. "

"Wow I cannot express the gratitude for your words, and I thank you I really needed to hear this! The white kitten you're seeing is probably my puppy he is all white and my baby!"

Mina tahtsin teada, kas midagi täppi ka läks:
"i hope it was resonating with You"

Tema vastas:
"Yes you are very spot on, and what I worried my future held! I have doubts about my intuition alot, and sometimes feel as though I have bad lurking with me."

Andsin talle veidi juhtnööre:
"There is no bad unless You let it in. Think of the god things in Your life. If You feel negativity lurking - ask for angels to help You clear Your energy from negativity and let them wrap Yourself in a protecting divine light. You could try protecting meditations. They also calm Your mind and help You keep more focused.Archangel Michael is the one You could turn to for protection on negativity."
Tema vastus:
"Thank you! I try my best to not let negativity get to me but I get overwhelmed at times. I will pray and ask for protection as well."
Minu lõppsõna:
"You will succeed. I see You're getting more confident already :)
It was my pleasure to read for You."

Arvasin, et mulle jäi lõppsõna aga ta tänas veelkord.

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