Sunday, January 31, 2016

Neljas energia lugemine ehk ennustamine

Mulle millegi pärast ei meeldi term "ennustama". Ma ütleksin selle kohta lihtsalt energia lugemine/tunnetamine, sest nii see on.
Lugesin neljandat korda inimesele, keda ma ei tea ja panen siia ka mälestuseks endalegi selle neljanda lugemise.

"Hi dear Danielle! I see You are very joyful, positive and loving person.
You laugh a lot, it’s easy to get You laughing. You can’t stay mad for long.
You are very down to earth. I see You around Your house barefoot. You have a big garden or yard because I can see You looking for Your kid often – he tends to go off and do his own thing. Not very far from home thankfully I see You cooking – so You either love to cook or You feel like You do it too often.
You are someone who thinks a lot – about life about spirituality, about beautiful things like stars. You are quite sensitive. You get information from the stars, meaning You are also quite intuitive and while You think on Your own, You find answers to things. This is connection to the universe. You just know things and You can’t explain it where from You learn them.
You are also very protective of Your home and family. You set boundaries for Yourself and loved ones… kind of rules, that should be for protection and order. This trait is great for You since I see You having more children, I think there are 4 boys atleast. Could be more boys or girls. But I see very similar looking (different aged) boys running around. So it’s great that You have a loud voice to make things work around Your house and with chidren. You are a great mother- You’re very balanced – You play games and entertain, but also are organized to take care of stuff and have boundaries set. Loving and wise.
You have joy in everything. You laugh and like to move as if dancing. You have an inner peace that let’s You have fun every day and find joy in every moment. I hear You laugh out loud often. Infectious laugh. Those close to You feel like on a break from life when they spend time with You. You help them get to that place where they can relax and enjoy the moment. You help them see positive things in everyday situations. You take life with ease. You have a wonderful character. Makes me even happier to read You :D"

Tagasiside:"oh my thank you so very very much!! this is the most accurate reading i have ever recieved! from the bottom of my heart i thank you! (heart emoticon)
very spot on!"

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